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Brass and Magic

A fun fantasy novel series!

Brass and Magic is a fantasy series that takes place on a planet called Erda, a moon of the planet Cyclops. During the series the inhabitants are living in a very early industrial era where mechanical devices and steam power has only just been discovered, but magic has been around since ancient history.

After losing his farmstead Caelan must fight to feed his family in the unforgiving outskirts of Brekstrand and the lands beyond. With a crossbow in his hand and a brass-handled torch clipped to his belt he is determined to find the remains of the only guardian ever known to be slain, Firkus, Guardian of the Wildlands. Why? Because where there are guardians there are artifacts, artifacts hold power, and power sells. Delving is Caelan’s new profession. A profession which will bring him into the deepest depths and to the top of the tallest peaks. It’s the most dangerous profession known to society with the most lucrative outcome of all, money and power. But every delve is a dangerous game. Those who lose the game lose their lives.

Is the risk worth the reward?

Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone

Elephants of Sotigoma

Elephants of Sotigoma

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List of Creatures

A list of creatures in the Brass and Magic universe.



Places to visit

Here are some of the unique locations that can be visited.


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